Friday 30 November 2012

As far as the back door

 It seems at the moment, the only time I get to take photos are when I take Bracken out in the garden (he can't be trusted to be out there alone!) not that I am complaining as there are plenty of nice shots to be had!

These were from the 26th/27th

Eucalyptus silhouette against an early morning sky

When Bracken is sleeping I have a play around with the photos, enhancing shadows, boosting colours etc. Technology is so advanced! 

A veiny autumn leaf
Passion fruits and collared doves
Yummy Bracken? He knew he shouldn't be eating it!

Running around like a mad thing!
Some day soon I really need to go and find some waxwings and other lovely birdies, but for now the confines of the garden will do!