December already! Although it is still feeling quite mild here in this part of the country. I'm eager for a nice frost as I've missed a nice crunchy walk!
Yesterday after I took Bracken for a walk I spent some time catching up with blogs and watching the birds who were coming and going in the garden. I have been inspired by Mike Dilger's new book to watch the behaviour of the birds who visit the garden and I've been writing a little bird diary. Something which I am sure most naturalists do.
Over the weekend I had a go at making my own birdy fat treats. Ages ago I bought one of those coconut halves and obviously they demolished the contents within a few days, however it was the perfect vessel to refill. I bought some white vegetable fat and melted it down, firstly putting a layer of mealworms, then some of the melted fat, then some oats and some more mealworms until it was packed with yummy bird treats. I also used a plastic pot which was destined for the recycle bin, and filled that with the same selection of morsels. The garden birds are still checking it out, making sure it isn't going to jump off the tree and eat them. There were 5 blue tits all inspecting it from afar, but still just a little too scary to nibble.
The weekend before, we went and explored some woods nearby which we hadn't been to previously. The walk was okay, but it was quite difficult to follow the woodland path. We encountered some lovely free roaming piggies which luckily Bracken didn't notice, so I was able to call him back and pop him on his lead. Probably not a footpath we shall use again, but that is what is great about using the OS map - we can find which places we like and which we aren't likely to return to. My camera's battery died after a few minutes so that was quite irritating.
Usual volunteering activities have been taking place, along with a dormouse check which resulted in just one wood mouse which had taken over the intricate dormouse nest. We then made a hasty retreat back to the truck as it started to tip down. Hopefully all the little dormice gained enough weight to survive the winter and have found a nice little hidey hole to hibernate in.
Anyway that is probably enough of my ramblings. Here are a selection of photos from the last few weeks worth of walks.
21st November |
21st November |
21st November |
23rd November - Walk along The Saxon Shore Way
Bracken having enormous fun with a plastic sheet. |
Kestrel |
Flock of roughly 170 brent geese |
Flock of linnets and goldfinches |
Linnets and goldfinches |
Another shot of the finch flock |
Reed bunting |
Poignant pose |
Sanderling |
Last Monday I took this cake along to our volunteer task for the Warden's Birthday. Usually no more than 10 people turn up so I cut the cake into 10. You can guess how many people turned up to that task....
Delicious Birthday carrot cake |
The changes in the sky on today's afternoon walk...
Lime tree leaves |
I am playing catch up with all your blogs, I haven't forgotten you I promise! I hope you are all well :)
Thanks for reading and any comments you take the time to write, I truly appreciate what you have to say!